
Membership forms will be available at The Handle Bar

Why Join the Handle Bar Sports Club

  • Larger Social Circle & Camaraderie
  • You Can Learn & Improve your Skill
  • You Can Save Money
  • You Get Exposure
  • You Can Become a Part of Social Work
  • Sense of Safety
  • It is Like a Family
  • It is Fun
  • Sense of Order
  • Safety in Numbers

All persons wishing to be Members of the Club bind themselves to abide by the Rules of the Club. Members and their guests who join such activities are responsible for their own safety. The Club accepts no liability for injury, loss or damage to any person or property, however caused. All Members shall pay an annual membership fee.

To qualify for Full Membership complete membership form for the Club and be an active participant. When accepted for membership applicant will become a full member.

  • Full Members have the right to attend at all meetings of the Club other than Management Committee meetings, unless they are an Management Committee Member. All applications will be scrutinized by the Management Committee to ensure the applicant are compatible with the aims and objectives of the Club. The decision of the Management Committee to accept or reject the application will be final.
  • Full Members have the right to attend all tours, excursions, rallies, social events and competitions for Club members.
  • Bring guests to all tours, excursions, rallies, social events and competition, provided that such guests agree to abide by the rules of the Club for such events. Members shall be responsible for the conduct of their Guest.
  • Full Members may purchase all Club memorabilia and merchandise.

    Full Membership:
  • Hang around period – 1 month
  • Prospect period – 3 months
  • No members under the age of 18
  • Minimum Bike capacity – 250 cc


To qualify for Social Membership complete membership form for the Club. A person who would like to become a social member of the Club, but does not actively participate, may apply to become a Social Member. Social Members has no voting rights. All applications will be scrutinized by the Management Committee to ensure the applicant are compatible with the aims and objectives of the Club. The decision of the Management Committee to accept or reject the application will be final.

  • Social Members have the right to attend all tours, excursions, rallies, social events and competitions for Club members.
  • Bring guests to all tours, excursions, rallies, social events and competition, provided that such guests agree to abide by the rules of the Club for such events. Members shall be responsible for the conduct of their Guest.
  • Social Members may purchase all Club memorabilia and merchandise.
  • A Social Member will pay a discounted rate and their membership status will be assessed annually.


An established club that would like their members, to become associate members of the The Handle Bar Sport Club, may apply to become such a member via their clubs approval. To qualify for Club Associate Membership complete membership form for the Club. Club Associate Member has no voting rights. All applications will be scrutinized by the Management Committee to ensure the applicant are compatible with the aims and objectives of the Club. The decision of the Management Committee to accept or reject the application will be final.

  • Club Associate Members have the right to attend all tours, excursions, rallies, social events and competitions for Club members.
  • Bring guests to all tours, excursions, rallies, social events and competition, provided that such guests agree to abide by the rules of the Club for such events. Members shall be responsible for the conduct of their Guest.
  • Club Associate Members may purchase all Club memorabilia and merchandise.
  • Club Associate Member will pay a discounted rate and their membership status will be assessed

Club Rules & Guidelines
The Handle Bar Sports Club is to be governed by a simple set of rules.

  • Every member shall agree to abide by the rules of the club and any modification made in accordance with such.
  • The club shall be a membership based club and shall be run independently of any personal interests.
  • The club shall consist of a Management Committee. It will be governed by the TWNETY82 MC.
  • The annual membership fee shall be determined by the Management Committee. Subscriptions are non refundable.
  • The annual subscription shall be payable at 1 March.
  • The club shall from time to time organize ride outs for members and their friends and competitions open to members.
  • Any members seen riding in a foolish, aggressive or dangerous manner will be asked to leave the club.
  • The Club, its officers and committee as well as the ride leader are not responsible for the safety and security of individuals, their navigation or organization of individual activities before, during or after any rides.
  • In the event of a grave breach of club rules by a member or the conduct of a member making it desirable that they should cease to be a member, a Management Committee meeting shall be held at which that member shall be invited to attend. The committee shall decide as to whether expulsion from the club is necessary. Unruly conduct will get members evicted from the club. Only ONE warning will be given
  • Any member wishing to resign their membership shall give notice of their desire in writing to the Secretary.
  • In the event of a dispute or disagreement as to the interpretation of the rules of the club, members shall agree to accept the decision of the Management Committee as final and binding.